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Baby Dreams
Thu, Feb 24 2005
Week 32: Getting anxious
I'm feeling so anxious now. It's 32 weeks now but I'm so tired and I can hardly wait until my baby is here. I get out of breath when I walk and I'm so HUGE! I'm already thinking about which weight loss plan I'm going to do after having the baby. I'm definitely not comfortable at this weight. Tomorrow I have an appointment for a sonagram to see how the baby is doing, his weight, his heartbeat, etc..I think he is definitely bigger. I have to go in the morning, after a snow storm! The snow storm is starting this evening and ending early morning. 6-8 inches of snow, just when we thought it was over. Well, I'll just put on my boots and get on the train. What else can you do? I'm used to it, every winter the same thing. Well, the baby is due in April, which will be spring already. I hope it will be a beautiful, warm sunny day when we bring him home.

Posted by spacechica5 at 2:27 PM EST
Thu, Feb 17 2005
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: The Lullaby Collection by Lifescapes
This was a survey I took on the AOL Due in April pregnancy circle:

Name? Ivette

Age? 35

How many children do you have? 0, THIS IS MY FIRST

How many more children do you want? 2-3

How much weight have you gained so far? 30 lbs

How much do you think you'll gain? 35

Do you have any cravings? CHOCOLATE

Any morning sickness? NO, NEVER GOT IT

Any heartburn? YES

Breastfeed, formula feed or both? BOTH

Do you have an OB, midwife or dula? OB

Natural, pain meds, or epidural? EPIDURAL

Cloth diapers or disposables? DISPOSABLES

Crib or co sleep? BOTH

If a boy do you plan to circumsise? YES

Name for baby? NOAH ROMAN

Guess your baby's weight: 8 lbs 6 oz

Guess your baby's height: 20-21 inches

Guess you baby's birthday: APRIL 12-13 due date: APRIL 18th

Guess your baby's gender or at this point what is your baby's gender? IT'S A BOY!

What is the worst thing about being pregnant? NOT GETTING ENOUGH SLEEP

What is the best thing about being pregnant? HUBBY'S LOVING ATTENTION AND FEELING BABY KICK AND GROW.

Posted by spacechica5 at 4:00 PM EST
Week 31: 8 more to go!
Mood:  incredulous
I can't believe I'm 31 weeks already! 8 more weeks to go, since I'm scheduled for a cesarean at 39 weeks. Hubby is so happy and excited, he's so cute coming home everyday with something for the baby. Yesterday he bought a cute soft stuffed rabbit (looks like the velveteen rabbit) and some baby books, the other day it was some baby bibs and baby wipes. He's going to be such a good father. Baby Noah is kicking harder everyday, and he's getting bigger & heavier. I have to go to the bathroom very often because he's pressing down on my bladder. I'm still having trouble sleeping because I can't get comfortable. But don't get me wrong, I would go through this all over again just to have another baby. I really do want another one, but we don't know if we'll have to go through another IVF or if it will happen naturally. I'm jumping ahead of myself though, we'll see. We're really blessed to have gotten this far!

Posted by spacechica5 at 1:12 PM EST
Tue, Feb 15 2005
Valentine's Day
Mood:  amorous
Yesterday's weather was rainy and cold. Hubby wanted to take me out to eat but I wasn't really into going out because of the weather. But he convinced me and it was after all, Valentine's Day. Since we're trying to watch our budget, we went to Red Lobster. I was surprised to see that it was pretty full. I guess alot of people had the same idea. I ordered a dish that had shrimp scampi and crab meat w/ veggies. I was so hungry, I gobbled it all up. Hubby had a fish w/ rice. Well, this morning I had stomach ache and cramps. I was so uncomfortable and miserable, I couldn't go back to sleep. Red Lobtser had given me diarreah! I don't know if it's the oil they use or if it was the seafood. I hadn't eaten there for over a year. Never again. Next year hubby can give me jewelry or chocolate! LOL! We were talking about the baby being born in April, and May will be Mother's Day and June is Father's Day. We can hardly wait to be parents! It used to be just the 2 of us, now, baby will make 3. It will be so different yet so right.

Posted by spacechica5 at 5:13 PM EST
Updated: Fri, Mar 4 2005 3:11 PM EST
Tue, Feb 8 2005
To discipline or not to discipline?
A couple of days ago I had an argument with my sister. She often comes over on weekends with my six year old neice (her daughter) to visit. My neice is a little wild one. She runs from room to room, touching everything, goes under the living room table, when she eats she doesn't sit still and spreads crumbs everywhere, if she doesn't like whatever food I have at home she'll complain and her mother will go and buy her something else. Now, is it just me or is there a discipline problem here? I've told my sister before that she should be more strict with her daughter but she thinks it's abuse if you smack your child when they do something wrong. She will tell her "Stop it" or "Don't do that", but her daughter does not listen or respect her at all or any other adult for that matter. And I would worry if I was her when she enters her teen years if she doesn't get control now! So anyway, now and then I would tell her that we're not going to be so lenient with our child, and that we're going to discipline him just like our parents did with us. And though we didn't like it and we thought it was mean, we appreciate it now as adults because we have good manners and we learned to take responsibility for our behavior. Well, she took it to mean that I'm saying that I'm going to have a "perfect" child. When her daughter crawled under the dining table for the 100th time she said, "Oh, I forgot you're not going to have any problems because you're going to have a perfect child!". Very sarcastically. I got pissed and said a few things I shouldn't have said but I was tired of her saying it. I explained to her calmly that everyone is different and have different ways of raising their child. She said goodbye and left quietly. I haven't argued with my sis in quite a while and I feel bad about it. But I guess when it comes to parenting, it's a very touchy subject. No parent wants to hear that they're not doing a good job. I learned my lesson. I'll keep my mouth shut and hope she will too.

Posted by spacechica5 at 3:33 PM EST
Updated: Wed, Feb 9 2005 11:59 AM EST

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