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Chocolate Kisses
August 23, 2006
Noah goes to Disney's Magic Kingdom
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Adventures

Noah is now 1 1/2 years old. He's trying to talk. He says mama, daddy, eye, ear, bye-bye, melmo (Elmo), ba-ba (Spongebob), ca-ca (that's his word for car,  not poop).  He takes our cell phones and makes pretend he's talking to his daddy when he's at work. He's growing so fast it's crazy. He loves looking at photo albums, especially one where there are baby pictures of me (he looks so much like me when I was a baby!). He could be a lil' monster too, just last week he was refusing to eat! We didn't know what to do. He would just clamp his mouth shut and refused to open it. His daddy just held his jaw so we could feed him. Thank God this only lasted a couple of days. Now he's eating again with no tantrums. I don't know what that was about, but I read that babies do those things trying to test their newly found independence.<br>We went to Florida (2 weeks) for our vacation. We went to Tampa for one day and we even went to Disney's Magic Kingdom for one day. We didn't plan to go there but it just turned out that way. It was so sunny and so hot! And you don't even get to finish seeing everything because there are just too many things to see! Well, Noah had fun meeting all the Disney characters and taking pictures with them and he even got to ride in "It's a small world after all". We stayed at "Disney's Carribean Beach Resort" for one night. We really wanted to stay at the "Polynesian Resort" but it was all booked. Like I said, we didn't plan to even go to Disney! We visted Downtown Disney also. Too many things to see and we only had one day. We promised to go back when Noah is a little older and we plan things ahead of time. Maybe he'll even have a little brother or sister by that time. God willing.<br>Well, summer is almost over. We're going to Atlantic City this weekend to celebrate my sister's birthday. I convinced hubby to go because it could be our last summer fun. He's just worried we'll spend money in the casino. Well, we can't because we have the baby and you can't go in there with kids, plus we don't have any money to gamble anyway. There's loads of stuff to do there besides gambling: pool, beach, restaurants, shopping, people watching, boardwalk, amusement park, taking pictures. Hello?



Posted by spacechica5 at 4:48 PM EDT
Updated: January 10, 2007 7:27 PM EST
August 10, 2005
Home Sweet Home
Mood:  lazy
Topic: Adventures
We're back!
We got back Monday night. Our flight was delayed because of some bad weather along the way. We thought we had to stay in the airport for several hours, so we were deciding if we should cancel and take a flight the next morning. Noah was getting restless and cranky. But thank God we started boarding a couple of hours later and we got home safe. Vacation was nice. I would've enjoyed it more if we were not staying at my hubby's relatives house. His aunt makes me feel uncomfortable because I'm not from their culture and religion. Hubby tells me to just ignore her, but how can I if we're in her house???? He insisted we didn't have enough to stay in a hotel for 2 weeks (I told him I'd rather not go then). Anyway despite the fact that we had to stay there, we enjoyed ourselves by going out everyday to the beach, pool, malls, restaurants, we even drove for 4 hours to Key West and stayed for a couple of days. It was unbearably hot there, but the sunsets were beautiful. Unfortunately our memory stick from the digital camera got damaged and we lost all the sunset pictures. Can you believe it? We're so disappointed. But at least we got to save all the other pictures. I thought I had gained weight from eating out all the time, but when I got home I weighed myself and I didn't gain an ounce. I didn't lose either. Baby Noah is so tired, he's taking all his naps. He kept getting his naps interupted on vacation because we were going out all the time. Now we're back on our regular schedule and he's happy to be home. When we got home he just opened his big brown eyes and looked all over our apartment as if thinking, "Hey, I remember this place!". It feels good to be home. Here's my little sunshine in the pool while on vacation:

Posted by spacechica5 at 4:36 PM EDT
Updated: August 10, 2005 10:15 PM EDT
July 21, 2005
Sunsets with Noah
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Adventures
We're leaving for vacation on Sunday at 4 a.m.! The flight is for 6 a.m. I picked the time because 1)I can't stand crowds so hopefully there won't be that many people at that time 2)We'll arrive around 9 a.m. so we'll have time to do more stuff. Florida here we come! This time with baby Noah. I imagine it will be a little difficult to get around now that we have a baby, and more stuff to carry but hey, that's ok. We're a family now. I keep imagining when he's a little older and get to take him to Disney! It will be so much fun watching him have fun and seeing his eyes filled with wonder. But for now he's a little baby with such curiosity that I know he'll enjoy whatever he'll see in Florida. I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees the beach for the very first time. Gotta get it on video. And of course lots of pictures. We're thinking about going for a couple of days in Key West too. I keep hearing about the magnificent sunsets there. That alone will be worth the trip. Ahhhh, sunsets and my two men. What more can I ask for?

Posted by spacechica5 at 10:42 PM EDT

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