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Topic: Growing Pains
My baby is now 22 months. But he's already acting like he's in the terrible two's which is right around the corner. He'll be 2 at the end of March. He's starting to throw tantrums, being picky about what he wants to eat (junk food & candy) and what he doesn't, he doesn't want to take his naps, or let me change his diapers or his clothes. It's been crazy. He's talking more and more, mimicking everything we say, very alert of everything around him. He's very bright and so funny. Yes, there are days when I'm pulling out my hair, but the days when he hugs me & kisses me or gives me the sweetest most loving looks, those are the days that make everything worth it! I can't believe it's almost 2 years already! I love you baby!
Posted by spacechica5
at 7:20 PM EST