Just got back from my 35th week appointment. My blood pressure is good (110/80) and I'm doing good on my diet so I won't need the insulin. Baby's heartbeat was good also. BUT...because I have that big old myomectomy scar from a previous surgery they're saying there's a risk that it might open. That's not good for the baby. So, we're going to do an amnio next week to see if the baby's lungs are mature enough and they'll go ahead and do a c-section around the 37th or 38th week. Even more earlier than I thought! We didn't want to do an amnio in the first or second trimester because of the risk of miscarriage, but now that I'm going to be 36 weeks they said the risk is very minimal. Only thing that can happen is an infection or that I'll go into labor. Since I'll be in the hospital, they said they can rush me to labor & delivery right away.
I'm kind of nervous about it. But if it means delivering the baby safely I'm all for it. I could wait until the 39th week and hope that my uterus won't rupture, but that's a bigger risk. Please pray that everything will turn out good!
Posted by spacechica5
at 1:59 PM EST