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Baby Dreams
Thu, Mar 24 2005
The Date is Set!
Mood:  celebratory
Well, the date is set for the c-section. March 31st! They said I have to be in the hospital by 7 a.m. The day before is my amnio. If the baby's lungs are mature, everything will proceed and they won't call me. But if his lungs are not mature, they'll call me and we'll have to schedule for a later time. But most likely he's ready. He's already 6 pounds! Hubby and I are guessing he'll be 6lbs and 5 oz. when he comes out. We are so excited and so ready! I can't believe the day is almost here. Our baby dreams are finally going to come true!

Posted by spacechica5 at 7:05 PM EST
Thu, Mar 17 2005
Just got back from my 35th week appointment. My blood pressure is good (110/80) and I'm doing good on my diet so I won't need the insulin. Baby's heartbeat was good also. BUT...because I have that big old myomectomy scar from a previous surgery they're saying there's a risk that it might open. That's not good for the baby. So, we're going to do an amnio next week to see if the baby's lungs are mature enough and they'll go ahead and do a c-section around the 37th or 38th week. Even more earlier than I thought! We didn't want to do an amnio in the first or second trimester because of the risk of miscarriage, but now that I'm going to be 36 weeks they said the risk is very minimal. Only thing that can happen is an infection or that I'll go into labor. Since I'll be in the hospital, they said they can rush me to labor & delivery right away.
I'm kind of nervous about it. But if it means delivering the baby safely I'm all for it. I could wait until the 39th week and hope that my uterus won't rupture, but that's a bigger risk. Please pray that everything will turn out good!

Posted by spacechica5 at 1:59 PM EST
Wed, Mar 16 2005
Week 35: Braxton Hicks night
Mood:  a-ok
Another sleepless night. At around 10 p.m. I started having braxton hicks contractions. It was only 2 contractions and then it stopped. We got ready to sleep and I did fall asleep easily. I was really tired from not sleeping lately. Around 12:30 p.m. the contractions started again. It lasted around 1:40 p.m. I was scared that it was the real thing because I never had them for so long. Hubby was sleeping but I woke him up to tell him. I felt bad for waking him up because he has to leave at 5 a.m. to go to work, but I was kind of freaking out. He told me it's probably nothing and to get up and walk around a little. So I walked a little and I got a drink of water. My mouth was so dry. Later I read that you can get the contractions if you're dehydrated, which I think I was. But I was happy when the contractions finally stopped and I relaxed. Tried to go back to sleep but it was just impossible. I guess I'll sleep during the day today to catch up on my rest.

Posted by spacechica5 at 11:39 AM EST
Sun, Mar 13 2005
Excited & Nervous
I couldn't sleep. It's 6:20 a.m. Since midnight I've been waking up every hour! Everytime I looked at the clock it was one hour later. How weird is that? It's never happened to me before. Then I had a dream that my breast were leaking milk and my mucous plug was coming out too. This is strange for me too because during my whole pregnancy I never had a dream that had to do with pregnancy. I had alot of sex dreams but no pregnancy dreams, lol! So I guess this means my mind and body is preparing for the baby's arrival, or that I'm just excited that the time is near. But I'm also nervous because of the c-section and because this is my first baby. It's going to be so life changing after it's just been hubby and me for 6 years. Actually we've been together for 10 years altogether but married for 6. We've waited so long for our little one and now he's finally coming! I hope I can get everything right!

Posted by spacechica5 at 6:32 AM EST
Tue, Mar 8 2005
Week 34: Diabetes blues
Mood:  lazy
It's week 34 and baby is around 5 pounds. My next appointment is Thursday so I won't know until then exactly how much he weighs and if my blood tests were ok. After week 35 I'll be a little more relaxed because that's when the baby has an excellent chance of surviving if he decides to come out early. But so far the pregnancy has gone well, thank God, except for the diabetes thing. Today my blood sugar was out of control because I made the stupid mistake of putting a little jelly on my toast this morning. My blood sugar was so high it made me sleepy, then I took my medication, and a couple of hours later my blood sugar plunged really low, and anyone with diabetes knows that when it's too low it's dangerous because you can go into a coma. I was feeling dizzy & faint so I knew something was wrong, then I tested my blood and it WAS low. I immediately drank some fruit juice to bring it back to normal and had something to eat. It's no fun having gestational diabetes. You have to be so careful. They say gestational diabetes usually goes away after you give birth. I hope so.

I just looked out my window and there's a snow storm! When I saw the news this morning they said rain, not snow! Will winter ever end????

Posted by spacechica5 at 12:40 PM EST
Updated: Tue, Mar 8 2005 12:48 PM EST

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