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Baby Dreams
Sat, Nov 6 2004
Mood:  don't ask
We're headed to Florida for 6 days. A mini vacation. Sort of. I wish it was longer but that's how long hubby could take off work. While we're down there we're going to look into some hospitals and apartments. We're still not sure if we should have the baby here or move around January. We like the hospital where we're going now but I wanted to have the baby in Florida. I'm thinking it'll be easier to move and have the baby there instead of moving from here with a newborn and all the stuff we have to do. Well, we'll see what happens.
Ok now I'm going to confess about a problem that I have. Claustrophobia. It's a fear of being in small or enclosed places. So this means elevators, small rooms, trains, buses and planes. So flying to and from Florida will be very hard for me. It takes 3 hours from here to there which isin't too bad for most people, but for me it's pure torture and not fast enough. What I usually do when I have to travel for that amount of time is take a sleeping pill to calm me down, but now that I'm pregnant I can't take it. It's really serious, I start sweating, my heart starts beating faster and I feel as if I'm not getting enough air and I feel as If I'll faint. Hubby doesn't understand what I go through and he thinks I can just get rid of this problem by not thinking about it and BAM! problem gone. If only it were that easy! I take books to read, my CD player, my laptop, anything to keep me busy but the phobia can hit anytime. For example if a kid starts crying or if we have turbulance, if people keep constantly walking up and down the aisle, or talking loudly, all these things can trigger the phobia. I try to breathe deeply and calm myself down, and I do but just barely. The only way I have ever been able to relax was with a sleeping pill. What will I do now??? I was even thinking a glass of red wine might help but I don't want to take alcohol either. I need help, I know. Well, please pray for me. And if anyone has any suggestions or advice please let me know!

Posted by spacechica5 at 12:19 PM EST

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