Mood: lazy
I made 4 months yesterday. Can you believe it? The baby is developing more and more. This month several milestones occur: the eyelids are completely formed and closed over eyes that can react to changes in light. The nose, lips, and chin are distinct and the entire body is covered with lanugo (downy hair). The external genitalia become distinctly female or male. I haven't been able to find out yet if it's a boy or a girl. I have to wait until November 30th. I'm just dying to know. I want to pick a name and start buying baby clothes!
I'm feeling very unattractive. I'm gaining weight (I know it's to be expected with pregnancy but I've struggled with my weight all my life) my hair has no style and it's so thin, and my skin is so dry no matter how much I moisturize! Is it just me or has anybody else felt unattractive during pregnancy?
Posted by spacechica5
at 2:03 PM EST